Linedancer WikiDance

Footwork Definitions
Directory of steps used in Line dance

View steps by level

Anchor Step

Step right foot behind left (1) Step left foot in place (&) Step right foot in place (2).

Ankle Rock

Lock right ankle behind left (1) Rock ankles forward (2)Rock ankles back (3)Rock ankles forward (4)

Apple Jack

AKA - Fancy feetWeight on left heel and right toes, swivel left toes and right heel to left side (1)Return both feet to centre (&)Change weight to opposites heel and toe swivel right (2)Return both feet to centre (&)Repeat pattern as instructed.

Body Roll

Step right forward bending knees into sitting position (1) Push hips forward (&) Push to stomach forward (2)Push chest forward (&)Push head forward (3) Take weight onto right (4)

Body Roll Side

Tip head & lean body to right, start straightening head (1) Push hips to right, straighten head up (&)Straighten body while hips remain to right side (2) Bring hips back to place (&)

Boogie Walk

Step forward on right foot (1) Let both knees bend and lean slightly to the right (feet do not swivel) (2)Step forward on left foot (3) Let both knees bend and lean slightly to the left (feet do not swivel) (4) Repeat as instructed.

Absolute Beginner

Brush foot across floor front to back passing the standing foot.

Camel Walk

.Step forward on right foot (1) Close left next to right (2) Step forward on right foot (3)Brush left foot in place (4)

Cha Cha Step

The weight changes:- Step right (1)Step left (&)Step right (2)
Kick right foot forward (1),Step right foot in place (2) Touch left toe behind (3) Step left foot in place (4)
Step right foot forward (1) Kick left foot forward (2) Step left foot in place (3) Touch right toe behind (4)


Step right foot to side (1)Close left foot to right (&) Step right foot to right side (2)


Scoot forward on right foot with left foot lifted.

Absolute Beginner

Clap hands together.Single, double or triple time as directed.

Coaster Step

This is normally a syncopated step counted 1 & 2 and can be a right coaster or a left coaster.RIGHT COASTERStep back on right foot (1)Step left foot next to right (&)Step forward on right foot (2)LEFT COASTERStep back on left foot (1)Step right foot next to left (&)Step forward on left foot (2)

Cross Shuffle

Crossing Shuffle (aka) Samba Cross Cross right foot over left (1)Step left foot to left side (&) Cross right foot over left (2)

Cross Unwind

Cross right over left and unwind on balls of feet to make turn (1)(turn can be , , , or full turn)Finish with weight on right foot (2)

Diva Walk
Absolute Beginner

Walk forward by sweeping right foot forward and crossing over left (styling: body straight right hip forward) (1) Repeat with left lead (2)

Dorothy Step

Dorothy Step aka Wizard Step.Step forward on right foot (1) Lock left foot behind right foot (2) Step forward on right foot (&) Step forward on left foot (3) Lock right foot behind left foot (4) Step forward on left foot (&)

Absolute Beginner

Weight on right foot drag left foot next to right (counts as directed)

Absolute Beginner

Weight on right foot draw left foot next to right (counts as directed)

Drop Recover

Drop to floor on one knee and rise again (counts as directed)

Electric Kick

Step forward on right foot (1)Kick left forward (2)Step back on left (3)Step together with the right (4)Repeat leading left.

Extended Weave

Cross left foot behind right foot (1)Step right foot to right side (&) Cross left foot in front of right foot (2)Step right foot to right side (&) Cross left foot behind right foot (3)Step right foot to right side (&)Cross left foot in front of right foot (4) Alternatively start with left foot in front of right.

Fan - Heel
Absolute Beginner

Fan right heel to right side (1) and fan back to place (2)

Fan - Toe
Absolute Beginner

Fan right toe to right side (1) and fan back to place (2)

Figure Eight

Step right foot to right side (1)Cross Left foot behind right (2)Step right making 1/4 turn right (3)Step forward on left (4) Make 1/2 turn right stepping onto right foot (5) Made 1/4 turn right stepping onto left foot (6)Cross right foot behind left (7) Step left foot to left side (8)

Fish Tail
Absolute Beginner

Step back on right foot to the right diagonal (1)Touch Left foot next to right (2)Step back on left foot to left diagonal (3)Touch Right foot next to left (4).

Absolute Beginner

Flick right heel behing/side/(or as directed)

Absolute Beginner

AKA - FreezeStep right foot to right side (1) Cross left foot behind right (2) Step right foot to right side (3) Touch left foot next to right (4).

Heel Bounce

Take weight on ball of both feet, lift heels (1) Return heels to floor (2)

Heel Dig
Absolute Beginner

Tap right heel forward to the front (1) Return right foot to place (2) Repeat as directed.

Heel Flick
Absolute Beginner

With weight on left foot flick right heel (behind) or (to right side) as directed (1)

Heel Grind

Taking weight on right heel (toes pointing left) fan toes from left to right.(1) Take weight onto fight foot (2)

Heel Hook
Absolute Beginner

Cross right foot over left leg at shin level.(1)

Heel Jack

Step right foot diagonally back (&) Touch left heel forward (!)Step onto left foot (&) Touch right toe next to left foot (2)Repeat leading with left foot.

Heel Split
Absolute Beginner

Weight on balls of feet, swivel both heels apart (1) Return heels to place (2)

Heel Strut
Absolute Beginner

Touch right heel forward (1) Drop toe onto floor taking weight (2)

Heel Tap
Absolute Beginner

Tap right heel (as directed)

Hip Bump
Absolute Beginner

Bump hips (as directed)

Hip Rock Hip Thrust
Absolute Beginner

Slightly bend knees.bend arms and clench fists slight in front of body Thrust pelvis forward at the same time as bringing arms back.Return to original position.Repeat as directed.

Hip Roll

Roll hips around spine (as directed)

Hip Roll

Roll hips around spine (as directed)

Hip Walk
Absolute Beginner

Touching right toe forward bump right hip forward, (!)Bump right hip backward (&)Bump right hip forward taking weight on right foot (2) .Repeat on left.

Absolute Beginner

With weight on left foot, Hitch right knee to level position (1)
Hitch right knee across left leg and slide right foot to right side. Repeat as directed.

Hitch Kick

Step back on right foot while kicking left foot out (&) Step down on left foot (1)

Absolute Beginner

Pause (as directed)

Absolute Beginner

Spring forward with a small hop landing with same foot.

Hustle Walk
Absolute Beginner

Knees relaxed exaggerated walk forward (As in a swagger)

Jazz Box

Step right foot across left (1)Step left foot back (2)Step right foot to right side (3)Step left foot next to right (4).

Jump Step
Absolute Beginner

Jump taking off and landing with both feet at the same time

Jumping Jack

Jump feet shoulder width apart (1)Jump feet together (2)

K Step
Absolute Beginner

Start with weight on left foot.Step forward on right foot to right diagonal (1)Touch left foot next to right (2) Step back to home position on left foot (3) Touch right foot next to left (4) Step back on right foot to back right diagonal (5)Touch left foot next to right (6) Step left foot back to home position (7) Touch right foot next to left (8)
Touch, Cross, Hitch, Point, Turn. etc.
Kick right foot forward (1)Step right in place (&)Quickly step left place (2)
Kick right foot forward (1)Step right in place (&)Quickly cross left over right (2)

Kick Out Out

Kick right foot forward (1) Step right foot out to right side (&) Step left foot out to left side (2)

Kick Step
Absolute Beginner

Weight on left foot, kick right foot (as directed)

Knee Pop

Push right knee forward and in by lifting the heel off floor (1), Straighten knee and take heel back to the floor.(2)

Lock Step

Step forward on right (1) Lock left foot behind right (&) Step forward on right foot (2)


Press weight onto right foot bending knee.(1) Recover weight onto left foot (2)

Mambo Step

Rock Right foot to right side (1) Lift and replace left foot in place (&) Return right foot to place (2)

Absolute Beginner

Step forward on right foot.Step forward on left foot.Repeat as directed.

Mash Potato

Weight on ball of feet swivel heels apart (1) Take right foot behind left while swivelling heels in (&) Take left foot behind right while swivelling heels out again(2)

Absolute Beginner

Monterey Without Turn.Touch right toe to right side.Step right foot in place.Touch left toe to left side.Step left foot in place.

Moon Walk

Lift right heel pushing toe into floor, while sliding left back (1) Anchor left lifting heel, drop right heel & slide back past left (2) Repeat pattern leading left.
Take large step to right side on right foot (1) Rock back on left foot (2)Recover forward on right foot (&) Step left foot a large step to left side (3)Rock back on right foot (4) Recover forward on left foot (&)

Prissy Walk
Absolute Beginner

Step right foot forward crossing over left foot (1) Step left foot forward crossing over right foot (2)


Feet together, Swivel heels to left (1), Swivel toes to left (2) Swivel heels to left (3) Swivel toes to left (4)

Rock Recover

Rock forward on right foot (1), Rocking back onto left foot (2)

Rock Step

Rock forward on right foot (1), Rocking back onto left foot (2)

Rocking Chair

Rock forward on right foot (1) Replace weight on left foot (2) Rock back on right foot (3) Replace weight on left foot (4)

Roger Rabbit

Jump right foot forward, kicking left back, pumping chest forward (1) Step left to place, hitching right, contracting chest (&) Repeat on left.
Step right 1/4 turn right (1), Make 1/2 turn right stepping back left (2) Make 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side (3),Touch left in place (4).

Ronde Sweep

Sweep right toe in half circle from front to back (counts as directed), Step onto right foot.Repeat as instructed.

Rumba Box

Step forward on right, (1) Step left to left side (2)Close right to left taking weight, (3) Step back left foot (4) Step right to right side (5),Touch left foot in place(6)
Step forward on right foot (1)Lock left foot behind right foot (&) Step forward on right foot (2) No Pause.Step forward on left foot (&) Lock right foot behind left foot (3) Sept forward on left foot.(&)

Running Man

Step right forward (1)Scoot back on right hitching left knee (&) Step left forward(2) Scoot back on left hitching right knee (&)

Sailor Step

Step right foot behind left foot (1) Step left to left side (&) Step right foot in place.(2)

Samba Cross

Samba Cross (aka) Crossing Shuffle or VoltaCross right foot over left (1)Step left foot to left side (&) Cross right foot over left (2)

Samba Step

Step forward on right foot (1)Step small step forward on left foot (a/&)Replace weight on right foot (2)Repeat pattern leading on left.

Scissor Step

Step right foot to right side (1) Close left foot to right (&)Cross right foot over left (2).


Weight on right foot scoot forward holding left foot off the floor (1)

Absolute Beginner

Scuff right foot gently across floor (a)

Absolute Beginner

Push right shoulder forward while pushing left should back (rapid repetition)

Shuffle Step

Step forward on right foot (1) Close left foot besides right (&) Step forward on right foot (2)

Skater Step

Swivel on ball of right foot, pushing off toward right diagonal in a slide motion(1) Changing weight to left foot swivel on ball of left foot pushing off towards left diagonal.(2)
Slap Heel.Lift right leg behind left and tap right heel with left hand.Step down on right foot.Repeat as directed.Slap InstepLeft right leg in front of left and tap right instep with left hand.Step down on right foot.Repeat as directed

Slap (hips/thighs)
Absolute Beginner

Slap Hips Right hand slap on to right hip Left hand slap on to left hip. Slap Thighs Right hand slap right thigh Left hand slap left thigh

Absolute Beginner

Weight on right foot slide left foot toward standing foot.

Slow Chass
Absolute Beginner

Step right foot to right side.(1) Slide left foot to right taking weight (2) Step right foot to right side.(3) Touch left foot next to right.(4) Repeat on left or as directed.

Snake Hips

Body Isolation: Keeping upper body and legs still and straight push right hip out and down Keeping upper body and legs still and straight push right hip back to place.Repeat with left hip.

Absolute Beginner

Stomp foot in place. Weight remains on the standing foot.

Absolute Beginner

Walk forward on right foot, Walk forward on left foot.
Sugar foot (2 counts)Touch right toe to left instep (1) Swivel left heel to the left while touching right heel next to left instep (2)Pattern can be repeated to move to the left touching right toe and heel as the swivelling movement continues.

Absolute Beginner

Weight on both feet sway hips to right (1)Sway hips to left (2)
Touch right heel forward (1)Step right foot to place (&) Touch left heel forward (2)Step left foot in place (&) (repeat as directed)
Touch right toe side (1)Step right foot to place (&)Touch left toe to side (2)Step left foot in place (&) (repeat as directed)

Absolute Beginner

Weight on ball of feet:-Swivel heels to right (1) Swivel heels to centre (2)Swivel heels to left (3)Swivel heels to centre (4)For Swivel steps that travel see (Ramble)


Weight on right heel and left toe swivel both toes to right (1)Return feet to centre (&)Repeat same combination and direction (2) Repeat as directed on left or right.

Toe Point
Absolute Beginner

Point right toe (as directed) forward/side/behind.

Toe Strut
Absolute Beginner

Step forward touching right toe to floor (1)Drop right heel to the floor (&).

Toe Tap
Absolute Beginner

Lift right toes off floor then tap down as instructed.Tap may be in place, across, in front, to the side or behind.

Toe Touch
Absolute Beginner

Touch right toe next to left foot (1)Touch may be in place, across, in front, to the side or behind.

Touch Step
Absolute Beginner

Step right foot to right side (1), Touch left next to right (2)
Step right foot to right side (1), Close left to right (&), Step right foot 1/4 turn right (2)
Step right foot forward making 1/2 turn right (1) Step left together with right (2) Step right foot forward making 1/2 turn right (3) Step left together with right (4)

Turn - Full

Step right forward (1) Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left (2)Make 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right (3) Touch left in place (4).

Turn - Full +

Step right forward (1) Make 1/2 turn right stepping back on left (2)Make 3/4 turn right stepping forward on right (3) Touch left in place (4).

Turn - Grapevine 1/2
Absolute Beginner

Step right foot to right side (1)Step left foot behind right (2)Turn 1/4 turn right on right foot (3)Turn 1/4 turn right stepping onto left foot (4).

Turn - Grapevine 1/4
Absolute Beginner

Step right foot to right side (1)Step left foot behind right (2)Turn 1/4 turn right on right foot (3)Touch left foot nest to right (4)

Turn - Hesitation

Step forward onto right foot (1) Preparation torque 1/2 turn right and hold lifting left foot (2) Complete full turn stepping onto left foot.(3).
Cross right foot over left (1)Step left foot to left side (2) Pull body back to make 1/2 turn stepping onto right foot (3)Cross right over left (4).
Touch right toe to right side (1) Make turn by bringing right foot back to place and stepping onto it.(2) Touch left toe out to left side (3)Touch left toe next to right (4).
Touch right toe to right side (1) Make 1/4 right by bringing right foot back to place and stepping onto it.(2) Touch let toe to left side (3) Touch left toe next to right (4).

Turn - Paddle

With weight on left foot (1)Touch right toes to the floor and use to push off into a left turn (2)(Repeat as directed).Paddle can turn from as little as 1/8th at a time up to a full rotation.
With weight on left foot (1)Touch right toes to the floor & use to push off into a 1/2 turn left.(2)(Repeat as directed).Paddle can turn from as little as 1/8th at a time up to a full rotation.
With weight on left foot (1)Touch right toes to the floor & use to push off into a 1/4 turn left.(2)(Repeat as directed).Paddle can turn from as little as 1/8th at a time up to a full rotation.

Turn - Pencil

Stepping on to right foot spin one full rotation on the spot - left foot is held off the floor in pointed first postion.(1)

Turn - Pivot 1/2
Absolute Beginner

Step forward on right foot (1) Make 1/2 turn to the left stepping onto left foot (2).

Turn - Pivot 1/4
Absolute Beginner

Step forward on right foot (1)Make 1/4 turn to the left stepping onto left foot (2).
Touch toes of right foot behind left foot (1)Pull body back to make 1/2 turn stepping onto right foot (2).

Turn - Slow Chass 1/4
Absolute Beginner

Turn - Spiral

Step forward on the right foot (1)Make a full turn to the LEFT drawing left foot across right shin on the turn (-), Step forward on left foot (2).

Turn - Twist

With both feet together twist heels to right (1) Twist heels to left making 1/4 turn to right (2).
Touch right toes over left foot (1)Unwind 1/2 turn to right stepping onto right foot (2).
Touch right toes over left foot (1)Unwind 1/4 turn to right stepping onto right foot (2).

Turn - Waltz 1/2
Absolute Beginner

Turn - Waltz 1/4
Absolute Beginner


Step forward on right foot (1)Close left foot to right taking weight (2) Step right foot in place taking weight (3).


Cross right foot over left (1), Step back on the left foot (&), Present right heel forward (2) Step right in place (&) Repeat pattern leading left.

Absolute Beginner

Walk forward on right foot (1) Walk forward on left foot (2)

Waltz Backward
Absolute Beginner

Step back on right foot (1) Step to side on left foot (2) Step together taking wight onto right foot (3)Repeat pattern leading left.

Waltz Forward
Absolute Beginner

Step forward on right foot (1)Step left foot to left side (2) Step together with right foot taking weight (3) Repeat pattern leading left.

Waltz Twinkle
Absolute Beginner

Stepping forward by crossing right foot over left (1)Step left too to the left side (2) Step right foot in place (3)


Cross right over left (1)Step left to the side (2) Cross right behind left (3)Step left to the side (4)


Starting from a standing position.Put hands on the ground and kick legs in the air as if preparing to do a handstand.Let your body lower to the ground by rolling from the chest to the stomach and the hips.When toes touch the floor, push off and push-up with hands again.The momentum creates the worm-like motion.
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